Alex Singer
Its always the ex partner right?
In all seriousness it usually is BUT this being a game and all, that would be just too easy!
Carol made it her business to be difficult during their divorce but was this enough for murder?
We can see from the PCN (day 11) that Alex received a fine for a driving offence some miles away at the time Carol was meeting her maker.
Not guilty!
Melody Matchka
Melody had grand plans to move in with the man of her dreams and begin their life together having recently discovered she is pregnant.
Carol made it impossible for Melody to live with Alex, relegated her to the role of playing the triangle within the choir and sent a photo of Aileen Wuornos to the BBC for their Introducing the Barrowtones flyer.
Melody was within the first four choir members entering the vixen club.
We know that this group entered prior to 11pm from the entrance fee paid by Fred. (Look at the advert for the Vixen club in the daily retriever)
She did not leave until around 4am and so cannot have been the killer
Not guilty
Agnes Morton
Aggie just wanted to turn her life around but discovered a genuine love for singing and being a choir member.
Sadly Carol had no room for new talent and, having been challenged by Agnes about her behaviour, made a negative report to probation which would lead to Aggie being recalled to prison.
We know from Lenny’s overheard conversation that he and Aggie were together in the pub having another drink before heading to the Vixen club.
As she firmly believed she was heading back to prison she really didn’t care about her curfew!
We know they arrived after 11pm where they met Norman who paid for them all to get in.
Not guilty
Clarice Starling
Clarice was another choir member thoroughly frustrated with Carol and her attitude.
Was this enough for a heat of the moment murder?
Clarice is another of the four entering the Vixen Club prior to 11pm
Not guilty
Magda Delaney
Weak again but Magda was one of the last to see or be seen with Carol – did she creep back in to kill her?
Noooo! Magda returned to the pub and shortly after entered the Vixen club paid for by Fred.
Not guilty
Jack Crawford
Oh we all know Jack’s a nice chap!
Maybe a little frustrated with Carol and her ways but does this amount to a motive?
Nice but a drink driver!
You can see from the incident list that Jack was arrested a short distance from the Broken Arms Pub
Not Guilty
Catherine Martin
The same as everyone else – Carol was a pain but was this enough?
Catherine had gone for a kebab with Norman and met up with another couple of friends whilst there.
We know from the incident list that by 23.09 the shop owner had called police to report Catherine face down in her kebab having been left some time before by Norman.
She was safely delivered home by police
Not Guilty
Owen Edwards
Owen apparently had the voice of an angel and was the only person Carol was willing to sing with.
Sadly for him this meant she sabotaged his chance at his dream job to ensure he was available to sing with her during the competition.
Owen stole a car from the Broken Arms pub and shortly after landed it in a ditch.
The eagle eyed among you will have noticed that the registration in the incident report is very slightly different to the one listed in Ben the bar manager’s statement.
This is a little nod to a murder case I dealt with some years ago where exactly the same happened (different circumstance and very different VRM).
In this case witnesses saw the car being stolen, saw the suspect injured and there was later testimony from a witness who was treating the suspects injuries however both the crash report and the vehicle recovery agency gave slightly different VRM’s. This is where you need to examine what witnesses are saying and believe them. Fortunately in the real case the jury did the right thing too but its one of those wonderful inconsistencies that make going to trial exciting!
The facts in both cases:
1 – suspect seen stealing a car
2 – Car of the same make and model crashes nearby however VRM is questioned
3- witnesses describe injuries to suspect and the fact that he could barely walk following the crash
Ask yourself is it likely that two cars, same make and model with almost identical registrations, would be seen driving erratically / crashing in exactly the same area at exactly the same time. If you did question this then you are thinking like a very highly paid barrister 🙂
Why did I include this?
At first I didn’t but then I thought it was just too obviously Norman so decided to inject some actual real life into the case. I hope this red herring created at least a bit of debate!
Not Guilty
Fred Chiltern
Another fairly generic motive of finding Carol to be a pain in the bum.
Ive known less motive in the real world but is this enough here?
Gentlemanly Fred paid for himself, Melody, Clarice and Magda to get into Vixen club before 11pm
Not guilty
Norman Waites
Carol well and truly upset our Norman!
She stole from National Lottery charity funds to buy a new car for her boyfriend and fancy clothing for herself then pointed the finger at Norman. Was this enough?
Lets look at the clues…
During the secretly recorded meeting of the Barrow tones we discover that Magda can’t recall Norman being at the club. She’s not an especially reliable witness having opened the video describing just how drunk she was however this causes Norman to disclose his alibi.
He tells us he left the pub with Catherine to go for a kebab. They met with two random villagers while there.
He then states that Catherine wanted more food so he left and went straight to the club where he met Aggie and Lenny.
We know from the incident list that Catherine was face down and alone in her kebab at around 11.10pm meaning Norman was already on the move.
If you look at the map you can see that his route from Klassy Kebabs will have taken him right past the Bradgate heights gatehouse where, by that time, Sean had abandoned his post.
We know from Lenny that he and Aggie stayed at the pub for more drinks thus giving each other an albi. We also know that Lenny went out to try and speak to Carol just before 11pm before returning to the pub. If he and Aggie then had a drink we can surmise that they would have left the pub after 11.20pm thus arriving at the club late enough to bump into Norman fresh from the kill.
Fredericka Bimmel
Same as everyone else, Carol was just too much and needed to be dealt with!
We know Fredericka was delivered home by Babs Cabs having agreed to pay the vomit cleaning fee
Not Guilty
Lenny Kidman
Lenny had been leading Carol on to ensure his continued release from prison.
Having seen him enjoying the company of other females at the Broken Arms pub Carol made various coded threats to have him returned to prison.
Lenny had been at Carol’s address shortly before her murder however was heard leaving in his noisy car. From the evidence given by Marilyn Draper/ Delaney we can place him as leaving Bradgate Heights at around 22:50
He returned to the pub while she was still alive, met with Aggie for another drink then headed to the club where they met Norman. Norman paid for all three to get in.
We can assume this would have been at least 23.25 or later allowing to allow Lenny and Aggie time to order and consume their drinks as well as travel to the club. The price paid also shows they entered past 11pm but we already knew that…
Not guilty